Year 3 Staff
About Year 3
In Year 3 we have P.E. and outdoor learning on Tuesdays.
Homework will be set every Thursday. It needs to be handed in the following Thursday.
Curriculum Information
As a reminder Our PE and Outdoor Learning days are on Tuesday so please ensure your child has a coat for being outdoors in the afternoons.
Long term plan Year 3 2024-25
Year 3 Spring Term 1
Year 3 Autumn Term 2
Year 3 Autumn Term 1
Please can you ensure that your child has read their reading book at least 2-3 times before it has been handed back in as finished. When filling out BoomReader please do not say book is completed until it has been re-read a few times as this helps to build up the children's fluency when reading.
We change Library Books every Thursday, and reading books every Friday.
Useful Resources

Boom Reader Resources
Please find below information and resources on how to log any reading on Boom Reader ( formally known as Go-read).
You are expected to be making daily logs on Boom Reader and your teacher will be checking on a weekly basis.
There are instructions for parents and children to make reading logs on Boom Reader.
Year 3 Top 50 Recommended Reads
Online Maths Resources to support home leanrning
Please find below some online resources that you may find useful to support your child with home learning. They include a range of virtual manipulatives.
Top Ten Resources
Username: holy-family-al7
Password: home-7
Parent Portal: www.tentenresources.co.uk/parent-portal/
Wednesday Word
Link for Wednesday Word Each Week: Wednesdayword
Gallery of Learning
Autumn 1