Uniform for Reception - Year 6

Grey school shorts or long school trousers.
Logoed white school polo shirt
Logoed school sweatshirt
Grey socks
Sensible black school shoes - trainers are not acceptable
Long hair should be tied back. Jewellery should not be worn except for plain stud earrings which must be removed on P.E days. Haircuts should be sensible, no extreme styles or shaving, including lines and of a natural colour. Any hair accessories should be neutral or in school colours.
PE Kit
PE kits are worn to school on the year groups allocated PE and outdoor learning day.
Logoed red school PE T-Shirt
Plain black shorts
Plain black jogging trousers/leggings and a plain hoody should be worn when it is cold. Logoed outer PE clothes are not permitted.
If your child does not have a plain black hoody they should wear their red school jumper or cardigan.
School Uniform Supplier
School uniform can be purchased online or in store from Smarty Schoolwear in Hatfield or SWI, online only.
Please see the links below.
Smarty Schoolwear
Total Clothing Shop
Nursery Uniform
Plain white polo shirt
Logoed school sweatshirt/cardigan
Black/Navy blue jogging bottoms or leggings
Sensible shoes that the children can manage independently
Spare clothes should remain in school in a small bag.