The Holy Family School Homework Expectations
Please see below the weekly homework expectations. Please also refer to your child/ren's class page for further suggestions of optional activities.

Useful questions and prompts for discussing learning
Discussing learning
Some useful prompts for helping children discuss their learning:
What did you learn today that you didn't know before?
How did you learn that?
What helped you to learn
Who helped you to learn?
Did you help anybody else to learn?
Was there anything that you found difficult at first?
How did you overcome that?
What did you enjoy learning most?
How could being able to… help you in the future?
How does knowing... help you?
Why is it important to know how to...?
Can you show me how to...?
What do you want to learn/improve at now?
Additional homework will be set in Year 6 when deemed necessary.
Did you know...
We remember:
10% of what we read
20% of what we hear
30% of what we see
50% of what we hear and see
70% of what we discuss
80% of what we experience
95% of what we teach someone else