
After introducing our new Maths topic ‘Position’, Nursery completed an obstacle course following positional language. We stepped inside the hoops and put it over the top of our heads, jumped on top of the mats, ran in between the cones and ran around the tree 5 times!

“I went inside the hoop!”

“I jumped on 7 mats!”

“I went around the tree!”

“I put the hoop over my head!”

“I want to have another go Mrs Whorlow!”



Nursery have been learning about weight in Maths and using language such as heavy, light and balanced. In small groups, we went to forest school and collected a range of natural materials such as stones, twigs and leaves and used the balancing scales to see what objects were heavier or lighter!

“Mrs Whorlow, I have balanced the scales!”

“The stone is the heaviest!”

“The stick is the lightest!”

“This stone is the heaviest because it is down!”

“The leaf is lighter because it is up!”



After using our positional language inside the classroom, Nursery went on a familiar route to Forest School and used photos as prompts to describe our walk. We walked next to the prayer garden, around the table tennis tables, behind the chair, beside the play equipment and ended up in front of Forest School! We then followed the same route back to the classroom.

“Next to the prayer garden!”

“Around the tables!”

“Behind the big chair!”

“Between the chair and play equipment!”

“In front of Forest School!”



After learning about the signs of spring, Nursery went on a spring walk around the school grounds. In pairs, we recorded on our clipboards any signs we could see such as the blossom on the trees and the new daffodil buds growing. We also spotted a bird of prey which was circling above us!

“I can see a really big bird!”

“There are lots of daffodils!”

“I can see a green leaf!”

“The daffodil has a bud!”

“The blossom is pink and white!”



Nursery has been learning about the Easter story including the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus. We listened to the story and were able to answer some questions about the main events that happened. We ended our session with our daily afternoon prayer.

“Jesus died on the cross!”

“He came back to see his friends!”

“Jesus died because he loves us!”

“Jesus felt sad on the cross!”

“We are going to eat lots of Easter eggs on Easter Sunday!”